Computer Science for Kids
A Storytelling Approach
Venture into a world that needs your help! Follow the mysterious Guide into the forest and help restore what was stolen, repair what was damaged, and solve mysteries that have puzzled its denizens for years. Computer Science For Kids, a new textbook published by Wiley, presents to teachers and students a novel approach to Computer Science topics using the art of the storyteller.

By means of narrative and hands-on project building, the student can learn basic concepts of Computer Science aligned to grades 6-8. Perfect for classroom work, home schooling, or extracurricular clubs, this modular textbook leads students, project-by-project, into visualizing themselves as computer scientists.
This website offers additional lesson plans, sample code, downloadable worksheets, and other activities to supplement the book. Teachers, use the Contact form to request a free password for lesson plans and resources.
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