Lesson Plan: Chapter 19

Connecting to CSTA Standards

GradesConceptSubconceptStandard NumberPractice
6-8Algorithms & ProgrammingProgram Development2-AP-15Collaborating Around Computing, Fostering an Inclusive Computing Culture: 2.3, 1.1

Seek and incorporate feedback from team members and users to refine a solution that meets user needs.

Development teams that employ user-centered design create solutions (e.g., programs and devices) that can have a large societal impact, such as an app that allows people with speech difficulties to translate hard-to-understand pronunciation into understandable language. Students should begin to seek diverse perspectives throughout the design process to improve their computational artifacts. Considerations of the end-user may include usability, accessibility, age-appropriate content, respectful language, user perspective, pronoun use, color contrast, and ease of use.

Learning Outcomes/Goals

In this final chapter focused on using Twine to build a collaborative story, students complete the story by using feedback from their peers and those who might read the final story. They gather this feedback using a form and then work with their team to craft the ending that they prefer. This can be a good moment to do some playtesting and to encourage your students to flex their creativity to solve the mystery of the underground vault.

Differentiated Instruction

Lower level studentsHigher level students
Can follow the instructions in the project recipeCan enhance their project in creative ways, working with their teams

Transfer Learning

The concept of crowdsourcing story endings has been tried in different media, such as the 'Choose-Your-Own-Adventure' stories, books with alternate endings, some movies with subplots, and crowdsourced storytelling on social media. Ask your students to look around the internet for glimpses into how these stories are finalized.


  • Explicit feedback: Feedback given by answering specific questions posted by the person requesting the feedback
  • Feedback mechanisms: The various ways that feedback can be delivered
  • Implicit feedback: Feedback given without having been requested, such as stats on user visits and clicks gathered by software behind the scenes.


Students can be assessed on their grasp of giving and receiving feedback. They can be asked to create a feedback mechanism to gather actionable feedback about their activities

Research the various feedback mechanisms available.Write a summary of the ways that both explicit and implicit feedback can be used to improve products.

Quiz Answers

Q1: Crowdsourcing always provides the best feedback.

a. True

b. False

Q2: Implicit feedback can be:

a. In the form of analytics

b. Added to a web site behind the scenes

c. Both of these

Q3: Explicit feedback can be:

a. Analytics

b. Email lists

c. A survey widget

More Resources/Materials

Solution Code

The full story can be found on Glitchopen in new window

Assignment and Rubric: A Postmortem

Now that your story is complete, make sure the latest version is published and send it back to all the folks who gave you feedback initially on its form and ending. What do they think? Gather three of the most interesting comments they make and write a postmortem, or an analysis, of what you would do differently in a similar project following this one. Use this worksheet for useful prompts.

ExemplaryAdequateNeeds Improvement
The student completes the worksheet fully, working with a diverse response groupThe student leaves some of the worksheet blankThe student only minimally completes the worksheet

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